What is the cost of installing an irrigation system?

The installation cost may vary depending on the size of the area, the quality of the equipment used and the complexity of the installation.

Drip irrigation is an irrigation method that delivers water directly to the root zones of plants in a controlled manner

Drip irrigation is a suitable irrigation method for many types of plants such as vegetable gardens, vineyards, fruit trees and greenhouses.

Due to its structure suitable for all types of soil, it can be used in any type of soil, and at the same time, it ensures equal distribution of water and fertilizer solution directly to the root area of the plant, ensuring high productivity. Providing the plant with the right amount of water and fertilization and provides up to 95% water savings, which is why drip irrigation systems are often preferred in the field.

The frequency of watering varies depending on the type of plant, soil structure and climatic conditions, but generally provides regular and controlled watering.

The name of this program is called “Nutrigation”. This means a combination of watering and fertilizing. In traditional fertilization methods, some of the fertilizer may be wasted by applying it outside the soil volume occupied by the roots. A drip irrigation system focuses on a smaller area and allows you to apply a smaller amount of fertilizer to plant roots at more frequent intervals during the irrigation season. In this way, efficiency is increased and costs are reduced.

The drip irrigation system, which ensures the homogeneous development of the cotton plant, allows obtaining 6-7 thousand tons of produce per hectare. Using a drip irrigation system gives producers advantages not only in terms of efficiency, but also in terms of energy and water savings. In addition to the 20% increase in productivity, a balance of root-plant growth can be achieved with drip irrigation, which also maintains the air-water balance in the soil.

Maize is one of the most produced crops. If the correct amount of water is not given in corn planting, it causes plant stress and yield loss. At this point, the best solution is provided by drip irrigation systems. The drip irrigation system, which ensures controlled watering of corn at all times, both in the plant and in the field, allows fertilization as well as irrigation.

Alfalfa is one of the plants that need a lot of water. The drip irrigation system, which accelerates the growth of the plant by providing water and nutrients in frequent and small doses, is used as a more effective method for plants that need a lot of water. It helps to achieve higher productivity from any soil by saving water, energy and plant nutrients.

The quality of sugar beet is determined by its polar (sugar) value. 800-850 mm of water is needed until harvest. 99% of this water requirement is met by sprinkler irrigation. However, along with a 10% increase in efficiency and a 1-3 pole cost increase, about 50% water savings are achieved with a drip irrigation system.

A sprinkler irrigation system is an irrigation system that sprays water under high pressure and distributes it to plants as rain.

A sprinkler irrigation system is a method of supplying water under pressure to sprinkler heads and spraying it on the surface of the earth as artificial rain. To implement a sprinkler irrigation system, a water transmission system consisting of main pipes and lateral lines, sprinkler heads and, if necessary, a pump that provides water pressure is needed. Depending on the water pressure, the pump may not be used.

A sprinkler irrigation system provides water distribution over large areas, is low cost, and generally offers easy installation.

In general, installing a sprinkler irrigation system is a user-friendly process when specific instructions are followed and the proper equipment is used.

Automatic irrigation systems offer benefits such as high productivity, water conservation, regular watering, time savings and increased plant health.

Soil moisture sensors, precipitation sensors, and air temperature sensors are widely used sensors in automatic irrigation systems.

Yes, some automatic watering systems can use solar sensors to assess the weather and adjust the watering schedule.

Pivot irrigation is called water wheel and circular irrigation. It is an irrigation method in which the machinery rotates around a loop and the crops are watered with sprinklers. Center pivot irrigation can significantly increase productivity as it delivers water evenly. This is more effective in areas with uneven terrain or varying soil conditions.

But what are the advantages of a central irrigation system?

Among irrigation methods, center pivot irrigation systems have several advantages from an environmental point of view. For example, automated operation and low labor costs, the possibility of shallow application depths, good uniformity in water application, easier application of agrochemicals and reliability. Center loops are irrigated in a circular fashion around a central pivot point.

Pivots have the ability to apply water, fertilizer, chemicals and herbicides. This versatility can increase the efficiency of irrigation practices by using one machine to perform several functions. Centrifugal irrigation systems have a long history of excellent performance and reliability when well maintained and operated. Although it is usually intended for a 15-year service period, they have used more than this service period.