Technology That Revives Nature


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Made in the USATurkiye and Israel, we fully guarantee the quality of the products we sell after inspection in accordance with industry standards. 


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Benefits of
Drip Irrigation Systems




on your production costs

In drip irrigation, only the amount of water needed by the plant is used and savings of

40%-70% are achieved.

It increases the quality

High productivity and quality increase is achieved by maintaining soil moisture.

It reduces salinity in the soil

The drip irrigation system minimizes the salinity level in the soil.

Prevents plant diseases

Plant diseases are easier to prevent thanks to water-soluble drugs.

Fights against weeds

Weed growth is very low due to water being supplied only to the roots.

Fertilization is easy

With soluble fertilizers and irrigation water, no additional labor is required.

Sloping soils are easy to irrigate

Irrigation can be carried out without losing pressure on sloping lands.

It consumes little energy

Drip irrigation systems use less electricity.

It requires little labor

Easier to set up, assemble and store.

Products grow to the same size

Crops grow to the same height and size and to the same maturity.


We Support the Wide Application of Irrigation Systems

ONUR PLAST LLC was established in 2018 in Azerbaijan. Our company sells agricultural irrigation systems and equipment.
Our goal is to support the widespread use of irrigation systems in our country, which are considered an indispensable tool for agricultural development, by offering innovative solutions, and to meet the needs of such consumers in the most remote areas as soon as possible.


How do we work?

Preparation Phase

By analyzing customer needs, we carry out a detailed preparation process for optimal irrigation solutions.

Project Design

Based on the collected data, the most efficient irrigation projects are presented to the customer.

Assembly and Control Phase

Our expert teams install systems and carry out detailed controls.

Post Installation Support

Drip irrigation systems are supported by proper maintenance and technical support after installation.

Training of

Customers are provided with the necessary instructions to use the systems effectively.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is the cost of installing an irrigation system?
The installation cost may vary depending on the size of the area, the quality of the equipment used and the complexity of the installation.
Drip irrigation is an irrigation method that delivers water directly to the root zones of plants in a controlled manner
Drip irrigation is a suitable irrigation method for many types of plants such as vegetable gardens, vineyards, fruit trees and greenhouses

Due to its structure suitable for all types of soil, it can be used in any type of soil, and at the same time, it ensures equal distribution of water and fertilizer solution directly to the root area of the plant, ensuring high productivity. Providing the plant with the right amount of water and fertilization and provides up to 95% water savings, which is why drip irrigation systems are often preferred in the field.

The name of this program is called “Nutrigation”. This means a combination of watering and fertilizing. In traditional fertilization methods, some of the fertilizer may be wasted by applying it outside the soil volume occupied by the roots. A drip irrigation system focuses on a smaller area and allows you to apply a smaller amount of fertilizer to plant roots at more frequent intervals during the irrigation season. In this way, efficiency is increased and costs are reduced.

Alfalfa is one of the plants that need a lot of water. The drip irrigation system, which accelerates the growth of the plant by providing water and nutrients in frequent and small doses, is used as a more effective method for plants that need a lot of water. It helps to achieve higher productivity from any soil by saving water, energy and plant nutrients.
A sprinkler irrigation system is a method of supplying water under pressure to sprinkler heads and spraying it on the surface of the earth as artificial rain. To implement a sprinkler irrigation system, a water transmission system consisting of main pipes and lateral lines, sprinkler heads and, if necessary, a pump that provides water pressure is needed. Depending on the water pressure, the pump may not be used.
Automatic irrigation systems offer benefits such as high productivity, water conservation, regular watering, time savings and increased plant health.


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